Monday, October 8, 2012


    Hey Guys! So the fam and I were able to take an impromptu road trip to Albuquerque this weekend. Ian needed to refresh his CPR class by November 1st and there wasn't one around here that would make that deadline, so we figured we'd wander back into New Mexico. Did I tell you we went into Farmington , New Mexico last weekend? We are on a mission to update our phones so we drove an hour and a half to Farmington to the closest Verizon store only to find out that it was closed sometime ago. The family was not impressed with New Mexico at this time. We've been really spoiled by "Colorful Colorado" and the trip to Farmington had everyone in a sour mood with New Mexico. OK so flash forward. I was excited to stay in a hotel and live the life of luxury for an evening. I found out there was a Costco and a Target in Albuquerque. WOO HOO! Getting a hotel was much more difficult than I thought and that's when Ian told me that he heard they were having a balloon festival or something. So of course, I looked into it and it turns out, it was the opening day for the "Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta" this is the biggest hot air balloon festival in the world. Now I never have gone up in a hot air balloon, but when by chance you happen to fall into "The Worlds Largest Balloon Festival" you have to go right? I told Ian "I'm going up in one of those balloons!" Well the balloon ride was $399 so needless to say, I didn't get one, but I was in such high spirits as we took off to New Mexico.
     So we drive over four hours, through mostly desert and maybe two towns, taking potty breaks every chance we can with all of us. When we finally get to New Mexico, I start to hear protests from the family, apparently it wasn't what they had expected. I am way too excited and am insisting that we stop for lunch at an Authentic restaurant and the boys are cheering "pizza, pizza." This is how our road trips usually go. So Ian pulls rank and decides to go to the hotel first and see what's around there. Well since, we booked last minute and the Balloon Fiesta is about to begin, we end up by the airport near a Waffle House and a Burger joint. I stuck my foot down and insisted we go to a restaurant that trip advisor was recommending. So we load back into the truck and head towards the College Area and find a little hole in the wall Mexican food place "El Patio." Well the kids ordered nachos and they were not pleased when they came out with lettuce on them, Ian ordered tacos that looked somewhat, what you would get from Taco Bell but I listened to trip Advisor...I got green chili chicken enchiladas and they were delicious, I shared one bite with Ian but I devoured the rest, it was so yummy. They served it with some potatoes on the side, but it was a great combination. MMM MMM.    After they asked us if we wanted "Sopes" according to Wrex he heard them say "Salad potatoes." So I said yes, even though the kids we're saying "ugh mom, really, now we have to eat salad potatoes?" Do you see the whines that I have to put up with? Anyway, the sopes came and they were fresh, piping hot and delicious, everyone agreed. Yum!
   So then we took Ian to his CPR class and went back to the hotel. The kids played in the pool until they were blue and then we headed up to the room to take a nice hot bath (something we don't have in the fifth wheel.) So I was going to throw all the boys in at once and they were all undressed as I filled up the tub. Well ...little Waylon, he has a sense of humor. He promptly pooped on the carpet as I filed up the you get the feeling that this is not the relaxful weekend I had planned?  Waylon and his turd is the only pic I have of this trip. I won't post it here but if you want the proof, find me on instagram!
   After the boys were all bathed, I almost squeezed  a bath in myself but it was time to pick up Ian. So we loaded back in the truck, by the time we got back to the hotel I took a much needed mommy break and went to the hotels fitness center, which it turned out was probably the most quiet place in Albuquerque.   PEACE ,  FINALLY! So when I got back the family was still chanting "pizza, pizza" they wanted delivery, but no one had any idea who to call, so I made everyone go to "Dion's" a place nearby,  that trip advisor recommended. It turned out to be just what we needed. They had a spot elevated near the kitchen so the kids could see the pizzas being made, and it wasn't too crowded and they had salads, so it was more than just pepperoni. Everyone was happy!  It ended up being quite a day.
      We woke up to little children running the halls at 4am apparently very excited for the Balloon Fiesta or maybe they were going to the airport, I'm not sure. What I am sure of is, when Ian got up and walked to the door I was silently praying "please let him have boxers on"  It was our lucky day because he did, otherwise we might've had the police called on us for indecent exposure. So these poor little girls we're probably frightened into silence by the scary tattoo man in his boxers, but we did get back to sleep. The morning continued by the news of the Balloon Festival being grounded because of a high wind advisory. I so wanted a beautiful picture for you guys of me in a hot air balloon, but without the balloons going up, my family was not budging. No one wanted to go (except me) so we went to Costco, which was fun, we bought some coats and gloves.  Waylon made out with a huge purchase of diapers. My husband tried to appease me by taking me to Target where we looked for Halloween costumes and grabbed a Starbucks.  After Target, everyone wanted out of New Mexico. I convinced them to stop one more time for sandwiches for the road (If  it kind've sounds like I ate my way through Albuquerque, this is pretty much correct) We hit the road, I was still scanning the horizon , looking for hot air balloons. I told the fam how sorry I was that it didn't work out. They all gave me the "mom you're crazy look" and said "We had fun"...really? OK, I have a strange family. So really I have no pictures of this trip other than of Waylon and his sneaky poop, it was a strange weekend. We all think New Mexico is a strange place. I don't think we'll go back anytime soon.
   Our weekend winded down or at least I thought it was going to. But Ian woke up Sunday in full organizational mode. This meant, he wanted to tackle all the areas that I pile things. I was not in the mood, so he and the boys tackled their room and put away all Summer shorts. He organized all of our video game wires, chargers and other junk. I went to church and Ian did all of the laundry, folded and everything. I was as surprised as you are, I think it had something to do with him waking up with no more underwear. Did I mention  the night before was our first "freeze " warning. Meaning it got down to 25 degrees. Either way, I felt like a lucky lady, for him tackling such overwhelming tasks.     So when I got home we made our grocery list and we all went shopping. I made a bargain last night with Ian, if he made Chicken Tortilla Soup, I would make some chocolate chip cookies. It was a great day until the propane ran out at 8pm. The heater runs on propane...dun dun dun. So we plugged in our electric blankets and electric heaters. Ian had to get fancy and find a way for the circuit not to trip when we plug in both heaters. It involved an extension cord, unplugging the microwave and whatever electrical tricks he had up his sleeve. I felt extremely lucky to have a husband so handy and grateful it wasn't a weekend where he was at school or something. So that bring us to this morning. It was a crazy McCay family weekend. But we were all together. It may not have been a spectacular adventure but it's one I won't forget anytime soon.

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