Thursday, June 21, 2012

One Month down!

    I can't believe we've been living in our trailer for a month! Time has been flying by! Space wise, it's kind've like living in an apartment, except instead of a dinky patio you have all of nature, right outside your door.  We'll after my last adventure, I decided to take it easy on myself. We spent the next day at the pool in the campground. We even took Waylon in and he seemed to like it, except for when I dunked him. But the kid needed to cool down somehow!
    One of the best parts of Ian's new job is that he's working 4 10s. So we had a three day weekend together. We've never had that on a set schedule and being out of our usual surroundings, it felt like a mini vacation. Friday, Ian took me to an RV Park that's about 20 minutes from Durango and 45 minutes from Pagosa Springs. It turns out they had availability. YAY! They're also open year around, so that's convenient since we don't know how long we'll be here. They don't have a pool but they do have a "watering hole." I'm guessing we can grab some tubes and float around in it. Also, the farmers market is right across the street on Saturdays. So, it sounds pretty good and they're much more reasonably priced, so we're moving there tomorrow.
   Saturday the town of Durango had something called "Daddyfest" so we popped over there and it was pretty cool. They had a ton of old cars there, which Ian enjoyed looking at, they even had a DeLorean (like from back to the future) so that was awesome. They had a little panning for gold station, Houston and Ian made a wood carving sign that said "#1 DAD." I ate an amazing bratwurst on a pretzel bun, yeah that was my high lite, it was delicious! So we had a good time. It felt like the most time we'd had as a family since we've come out here. We even explored a river on our own a bit and then decided to sign Ian and the big kids up for a river raft for Fathers Day!
  So naturally, on Sunday morning, Wrex threw up! So Ian and Houston went on without him. They we're suppose to take a 4 hour trip but seeing as they were the only ones signed up, the guide talked them into taking a 2 hour trip twice. So meanwhile Wrex and I were hangin out, watching movies, he appeared ok, maybe he had a nervous tummy, I don't know. So we decided to try and take pictures of the boys on the raft, so we headed to  a park and waited. Wrex pointed out some rafts with the "southwest" logo on it and I'm looking through my zoom lens, I didn't see them. I remembered Ian had on his bright green board shorts on and then zoooom  I see a blur of green  whizzing by in a canoe and little Houston's head is thrown back bobbing around! It turns out Houston wanted to canoe down the river the second time and the staff was so impressed with him that someone lent him his helmet with a go pro camera on it. How cool is that! So we have their whole trek on film. It's actually not too exciting to watch, but Ian and Houston were so proud of themselves and it was such a shock seeing those two in that canoe. I don't know maybe you had to be there.
     So the weekend was awesome, I'm going to have to take Wrex rafting sometime. It looked like a blast. This week we got back to reality. I had to get some work done and the trailer needed a good cleaning so we hung out at the pool and we're going to head to the rec center again today. So that's what's happening here. We're having a good time and the next time I write you I will be in Bayfield, so wish me luck! MUAH

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