Monday, November 5, 2012

Putting one foot in front of the other

  Hello Friends. So I have been sucked into jogging. Which should shock you if you know me. Yes me, the girl who got a B in PE because I would not put forth effort. I've always hated everything about running. Usually my lungs feel like they're going to fall out and I quit 45 seconds in. I'm the kinda girl whose not going to run unless someone is chasing me. So how did I get here. Well, I was invited to participate in this 8 week challenge to be more healthy. You receive points for things like eating 2 servings of fruit a day and 3 servings of vegetables a day. Well I'm friendly enough and could use something else to eat besides bread, so I accepted the challenge. Oh yes the winner gets around $200 bucks so there's some motivation for you. You can win by either having the most points or by having the highest weight loss percentage, according to your weight. Well I didn't take it very seriously at first. I just went ahead and modified some of the foods I ate. I ate a lot of carrots that first week. I cracked out my pilates home videos. I entered my calories and work out into my app called "my fitness pal." I burned 100 calories...go me! The thing is on this fitness pal thing, you can see how much other people are working out and I started feeling like a total slouch. These ladies were kicking it into high gear. You may not know this about me, unless you're one of my brothers, but I am actually pretty competitive. Of course I don't compete unless I think I can win. Is that too revealing? I think I'm sneakily competitive. Does that make sense? No I didn't think so.    So during the first week of my "light" workouts I had that back drama. Maybe it was because I told my body to start working out, I don't know. So I put this other app on my phone called "couch to 5k" and I started walking with the boys. The app tells you when to walk and when to jog so you slowly build up to jogging. Well within the first week I had knee trouble. I almost quit but these other girls kept burning up the calories and I'm no quitter. I also started to enjoy my 30 minutes away from the kiddos. At this point I started jogging when Ian was home. I go around the trailers, one big loop, over and over. Very safe and predictable. So I spoke to a friend who has had major trauma to her body by a quad accident and she ran. If she can do it, why not me? So she advised me to get a knee brace and keep going. There were days that I looked ridiculous. I had my knee brace on, sometimes layers of shirts(it was cold and I don't own running apparel) as I jogged at a pace that people could walk past me. I started doubting my couch to 5k app. When it told me to stop jogging, I didn't listen and would soon regret it. I thought my lungs were going to fall out but I knew this couldn't actually happen. I've always been worried that I would look really stupid if I tried to run, again I am quite slow, I don't think technically its "running" at all. But no one is here to see me that I know. So now I've worked it out where I "jog" when Waylon takes his morning naps. I circle the park and the boys open the door if Waylon wakes up . But oddly enough Waylon sleeps well if everyone is quiet in here, which we never are, unless I'm running and the older boys are watching tv in my room. Many days I don't feel like getting out there, believe me it's much colder here than back home, But dang it if I'm not getting results. My legs are trim and I do like rocking out to Pandora as I circle the park. I have mini adventures, like when I got brave one day and decided to run behind the barn. I saw a skunk (they move really weird its like they bobble) so I hightailed it back to my main loop. One day last week it was pretty dark still and out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw a kangaroo, of course it was just a deer but the way it pranced, I don't know, it cracked me up. One time I really needed some motivation so I went out to where the park keeps their cows (the cows weren't there, again I don't know why) and there was a huge flock of geese, so I ran after them just in an attempt to pick up the pace and be a stinker at the same time. Somehow, someone sent me this app that gives money to a charity every time you "run" and now I feel like the least I can do is to give to these charities, I mean everyone wins right? My little brother thought my facebook was hacked he said " so you like really run everyday?"  Yeah I know, sometimes I can't believe it either. I lost 10 pounds and who knows I may win the prize for weight loss although that was never my intention. Some side benefits is that, I get a little bit of time to clear my head everyday. I get a little bit of Kristina time which I really need when I can never really get some space from my family (whom I LOVE ;) So today my app told me that I could run 25 minutes in a row. I didn't believe it at first but I know it's usually right so somehow very slowly I jogged for 25 minutes in a row. HUGE SUCCESS for this girl. When I thought to myself this morning, How did I get to this point? It was clear that I just took one step at a time. I put one foot in front of the other and trusted that everything was going to work out. I think this is very fitting for me, I'm sure it is for all linewives. We never know where the next job will be, when will we move, should we go back home, when is my husband coming back from storm work? Just put one foot in front of the other, have a little  faith and take it one day at a time.~ a little bit of encouragements from friends and family also goes a long way

P.S I disposed of a mouse in a trap today. I am woman hear me roar!
Here I am looking particularly awesome one cold morning


  1. Yay Go Kristina!! :) Great Job! I feel the same about running but to hear your story makes me want to give it a shot. Sounds like a good app that I may have to look into. We have been in MT for awhile and I think most of the people in the RV park with us are linemen and their families :) Makes me think about you guys.

    1. Thanks Sarah! Ian is worried we're going to get transfered to MT in the winter and I keep telling him, we have friends that are doin it. I know a couple that are up there in a toy hauler too. We'll just have to see where we land!

  2. Love it! You inspired me to ride my bike for charity... and I beat a rat to death the other day with the boys 2ft long rescue squad helicopter... coincidence, I think not! I'll text you a picture!

    1. That's so cool, both the biking and beating the rat. I would've paid to see that haha

  3. Go Stina! I love this. I imagine you running and wonder if you still tilt sideways. :-) So excited for you! I might check out that thing you're using-- do you have to have a droid or iphone for it? Xoxo
