Monday, July 2, 2012

Trailer Living

  We stayed close to "home" this weekend. With new fires popping up everyday we didn't want to wander in the wrong direction and we weren't sure which direction would be wrong! We are so grateful that all the fires near us are small and mostly contained. We're praying for all the folks that the fires have truly devastated their lives. I remember the California Wildfires and I imagine that's how Coloradao Springs is now. Down here it just smells like a campfire. The fires that have been near to us are the Little Sand Fire, Escarpment Fire, Weber fire, Lightner Fire and the Stateline Fire. Sounds like a lot but actually, last Tuesday we had a lightning storms that sparked 20 new fires in our surrounding area and the fire department quickly put them out. So I feel pretty good about our situation.
    So you see, we though it was wise to stay close to home. But I did have a few adventures....I started the weekend at "Old Tymers Cafe" It was taco night, which sounded good to me. When the waitress described their tacos,  I thought she said they're about the size of taco bells, but I think she meant they rivaled  taco bells, they sure weren't like any tacos I was use to.  When she brought them out she asked if I wanted anything on the side like mayonaise! Um no, maybe sour cream  though. Ian laughed at what I had expected taco night to be....Oh yeah, we're not by the border anymore....
   That night Ian got to work graveyard at the airport, he was very excited about it and I had a hard time getting to sleep but all was good. The next day I took the kiddos to "Doughworks"in Durango where they sell donuts and bagels and other deliciousness. I thought Ian could catch up on sleep and we would take an hour excursion to get donuts. Again, the menu, tricked me! When I saw breakfast burritos, I just couldn't help myself, So I ordered one....Ok I get it now, this is what Tex-Mex is, I don't think I like it.
    Good news though! We got some innertubes! Wrex figured out a way to con the kids here into giving him their innertubes everywhere we went. He somehow convinced them that the noodles were better, even though the noodles were worthless floating on in the river. He showed all the kids how to use them as a blow/squirt gun, by blowing into them as if they were a tuba and squirting people, then he would just walk away with their inner tubes. This little shananigan became embarrasing for me, so we got some  innertubes of our own. Well played Wrex, well played.  So the boys floated in the watering hole and we found a stream across the street. It has small little "rapids." They love it! the water is maybe 2 feet deep, but it works.
     So I made calzones this weekend. Yep! in my trailer! made the dough from scratch.  They came out great but it was very tricky with a next to nothing countertop to work with. I took a picture just so  you'd believe me. The kids  wanted to make it more challenging, so they decided, to play "Just Dance" on the wii, while I made dinner. I felt like I conquered quite a feat, that day. After that, I started the "everybody must clean their own dish rule" So far it's worked, I just feel like I don't ever stop doing dishes.
    OOOOOhh I also made brownies last night! I used the family style package and I added 1/2 cup of Hersheys syrup and a can of sweetened condensed milk, it made this gooey delicious creation, and they were ready just in time. Wrex had gotten into a squabble with another child around here and I felt they made a good peace offering.
    So it feels like we're in a normal routine. I never thought anything would be normal about living in a trailer but we're doing normal stuff. We played a family baseball game in a nearby field and Ian took the kids to float in the stream so I could nap yesterday. Waylon dodn't sleep much the night before. But all this is stuff, I imagine we would be doing at home, if he didn't have a job on the road. That's why we did this, to have some normal family time and it's working.
    Okay but my last adventure of the weekend was this. I couldn't sleep last night, (probably because of my nap) and I kept hearing a plastic bag rustling. I couldn't figure out what it was, could it be the trailer rocking in the wind? No, why would that cause a bag inside to make that crinkly noise? Then I started thinking of animals, of course, first I thought of a snake because the boys saw one earlier. But that's stupid, it wouldn't make this noise, then my mind went to ...mouse. Could they get in the trailer? I don't see why not, then I started getting nervous (Ian is asleep by now because it's just about midnight) Then something patted lightly on my feet...OH DEAR LORD, I jumped so high! I woke up Ian, he thought I was dreaming. We took off all the blankets, nothing. I looked for the bag, couldn't  find it. We turned the lights off. Ten minutes later, I'm still listening and this little buggard flaps right on my head. It was a freaking moth. A huge one, but still. I woke Ian up just to prove it to him and to have him kill it. So, that's my tale. It scared the bee jeezus out of me. Now I have to go grocery shopping. I'll try to have more interesting things to tell you next time. Never a dull moment.
Waylon , in the wondow! Hos favorite spot in the trailer is looking out of Houston's bunk window. It's pretty silly if you're walking by, and you see this little munchkin staring at you.

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