Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hey Remember me?

Hey ! Remember me? That's been my phrase lately. Our family has slowly been entering back into our old lives and it feels like so much has changed and then there's all the stuff that hasn't . I wonder if people will remember us and then I realize I don't want to stand out . My mom keeps reminding me that I haven't put out an update in a while and I told her, "I just don't know what to say." She said "tell them, you're not alone. " And I know what she means, it's just I never was alone , anywhere I went . God always provided a special person to keep me company and I'll never forget that. 
  About a month ago , Ian got called to a job 4 hours away. He was so happy to get back to work but our family didn't follow him on this job. We started to put down roots here in Oceanside , our hometown and we just couldn't leave again. So that's been difficult . He comes home on the weekends, sometimes when he's not working overtime . It feels counter intuitive since we spent the past few years trying to stick together.  Then there's still the fact that the boys and I are in the fifth wheel. It's all good and fun to be in a fifth wheel when you're moving from town to town but when you're in your own neighborhood, being in a trailer feels weird! Our house is rented out and I don't know if we should get a rental or what, so that's just its own strangeness. But I gotta tell you, I am so anxious to get out of the fifth wheel! 
  Quite a few things have changed around here. About the same time Ian took his job, Wrex started at the local Jr. High. I never intended to home school the kids forever. We did that when it worked for us . However , since we didn't see us uprooting any time soon and 7th grade math is hard...we enrolled him into the local jr high. I was a nervous wreck . My 7th grade son is pretty innocent and nerdy, which I hear is cool now .Lucky him. He ended up knowing a lot of kids from the years he attended Oceanside schools. The fact that I couldn't help with his math homework the first week was proof that he's right where he needs to be . He doesn't like his PE tracher and he thinks his science class is too loud . Common core math is tough . Part of me wants to fix these issues but a wise woman shared with me something that really helped " Will there be bullies, possibly. Will teachers be unfair? They could be. Is he going to struggle with the common core? Probably at first. But these things will teach him how to handle adversity in life , because life is not perfect." Wrex and I also toured the Jr High together before he started  and I have the utmost confidence in the administrators

    A few weeks after Wrex started, Houston became more willing to go back to school . He was lucky enough to be able to attend the same school he went to for Kindergarten.The first week or so he sat alone at lunch. I would put notes in his lunchbox and he said they were the best part of his day . He'd check before he left to make sure my note was in there.
 Last week I dragged him to a PTO meeting. I sat there thinking that I had no business being in a PTO meeting 3/4 through the school year. I'm torn between trying to participate and feeling really out of place . But yknow? You suit up and show up right? Well as it turned out , Houston came home a few days later and said " mom , that lady from the PTO meeting saw me and introduced me to a lot of people." Ahh sweet relief, I think it's going to be ok. His school had a car show this weekend and Houston and I went and had a blast . 

  Lastly , when we got back to town, I was approached by a friend to do some bookkeeping. It was not my intention to go back to work but it sounded like a good gig for me as part time work so I took that opportunity . Waylon started preschool two days a week. So life is pretty full. Ian has been working lots of overtime but he's enjoying it. He feels good about his career. The boys and I go to Church with my mother in law on Sunday's and Monday through Friday we have school,  work and youth group.  I'm reconnecting with friends and acquaintances .  Sometimes, I feel awkward reconnecting with people because I  think "they're not going to remember me." And then thinking , "Oh crap! Maybe they've been reading my blog and know how crazy I am." But y'know that's me, I am a little crazy but kinda introverted . So for all 35 of you reading this ... I'm here , we're back. I still feel like I'm constantly transitioning and some things are not happening as fast as I'd like. Do I keep writing now that we're not traveling? I don't know . If you have an opinion on that , leave me a comment . Ok mom ? 

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