Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm turning 30 and it's a Pinterest special!

    Tomorrow I turn 30. Is it silly to say that I never pictured myself getting older? I am ready for this new decade, but as I stare down this new year I can't help but reflect on what I have learned about life so far.  Are you ready, it's a Pinterest special people, filled with sentiment and cheesiness.
     I deeply understand this quote from Pinterest and feel it is so fitting because I have fought to become who I am. There was a time in my adolescents when an author wrote about me in a chapter of her book. I was her example of what bitterness looks like.  Ouch! Most people who meet me today don't select bitterness as my top most personality trait. I am grateful for that because I have worked hard to remove it. I'm not about to claim perfection but I will claim to have come a long way from where I've started and I'm proud of that change.
   Another important little gem I've learned in life is to watch other people and try to add to your life the attributes that you admire in theirs. Life is not a competition especially against other women! Learning different ways of living this thing called life from other people, keeps them close to me even when we're separated by distance.
        I guess one of the most important lessons I have learned is that the hard times in your life or the really crappy days, make the good times so much sweeter. A crappy day can make a normal day glitter because when you've been in the ditches of life a pothole is really not that bad. Know what I'm saying? Hard seasons in life teach us gratitude. This lady says it so much better, seriously what would we do without Pinterest?
 So if I have any advice for gals in their 20's  this is it:
1. Write letters to your family, they really appreciate it.
2. Keep pictures, time flies when you're not in school
3. You're no good to anybody if you don't take care of yourself , so get on that
4. Never say never for instance " I  would never homeschool or I would never live in a trailer... yeah never say never"
5. If you think you have parenting down, don't judge other parents. Have more kids! They're not all the same.
6. There is no room to grow in your comfort zone, remember that one
7. Give other people a break. Everyone has a little pain in their life, everyone's got a back story, give a little grace, the world would be so much better if we could all do this
8. Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better -Maya Angelou
9. Enjoy life while you can because tomorrow is promised to no one
10. This one is so important it deserves a pinterest picture...

1 comment:

  1. Kristina you are awesome! You have become a smart, sincere, lovely, caring and wonderful mom, daughter and friend. Some people never learn to accept themselves and move forward in a positive manner. You are creating for yourself and your family a life filled with love, happiness and acceptance. Love you! Linda Ruskowski
