Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 8 of Marathon Training

    Once again, I veered from my training program this week. That's not necessarily a bad thing, it just proves to me that I have a hard time listening to directions. I really want to run the show! But a few changes were necessary for my schedule. I had wanted to run a half marathon this last weekend but I realized early in the week that Ian would be at school and that it simply wasn't going to work. I've read that you should have a few races under your belt, just to see the flow of things and get use to the jitters and stuff before your big race. It makes sense to me, but I think I'm just gonna have to wing it! It's kinda funny because the only race I've ever ran in (as an adult) was a small town 5k. I was in the back of the pack of about 11 people and the junior high girl totally kicked my butt. If you want to refresh on the story, here it is So the marathon will just be a whole mess of firsts for me. So! Since I didn't run the Half I decided to run two smaller runs on the weekend. This was suppose to be a taper down weekend, where you run less than the week before so your body can re-coop and get ready  for the next big increase in Mileage, this is what I ran last week:

Monday: Rest
Tuesday : 4 Miles
Wednesday: 6.7 Miles
Thursday: I could not get out in the cold so I did some fine toning exercises in a took my legs 3  days to recover, YIKES!
Friday: Rest day
Saturday: 6 miles on a treadmill
Sunday: 11 Miles

   So guess what?  I got my Garmin watch! I ordered it off of ebay from another runner, saved about $50. I was so excited to use it on Sunday. Turns out, it was identical in accuracy to my Nike running program on my Iphone. Oddly enough , this means my sensor in my shoe was off. If you recall my shoe sensor was telling me I ran more than a mile than the GPS. Didn't see that coming. So, as far as modifying my training, I think what I am going to do is stick with the Intermediate schedule BUT I am going to take out the long run on Saturdays and only have the long runs on Sundays that increase in mileage. The novice program is scheduled similarly, but I have already passed some of the high mileage milestones that the novice program hasn't hit yet. So I'm savoring that accomplishment but allowing myself more rest day to work up to the new challenges and not injure myself at the same time. OK, one thing, I realize that I appeared obsessive about the Garmin watch but I have to tell you, it's still really good that I have it because, although it showed me that the Nike app was spot on, my phone usually dies around 10 or 11 miles This Sunday I will be running 17 miles, so I'm glad I've got the watch to track it!
   I've been trying to be mindful of nutrition and fuel my body with what it needs. I'm asking a lot from these legs and I want to give them all the love they deserve. So I've been eating lots of omelettes with spinach and tomatoes. Salads with beets and quinoa for lunch and I usually just eat whatever with the family for dinner. But I've added some new treats because I love snacks and sweets. Here are a few of my favorites:
Granola Energy Bites! So great to have in the fridge for a snack or before a run. Also, Who doesn't love chocolate and peanut butter?

These are a knock off recipe version of Vita Top Muffins from Whole Foods, so good and I feel healthy when I eat them and the 2 year old can't get enough.
Ok so no one was pulling on my skirt begging for one of these but I loved them. You can see carrots , quinoa and walnuts in them. They were addicting.
So good. Make one of these recipes this week and tell me how it goes. I am going to go eat a chocolate muffin...And then make my kids work through Spring Break. I'm such a mean mom, but we're pushing Spring Break a week until we get to Grandma's house ;) Wish us luck

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