Friday, November 30, 2012

Gobble, Gobble!

 Well we had a fabulous Thanksgiving. We drove to my friends house which was definitely in the country. On the dirt road out there we saw wild turkeys and deer. Deer we see all the time, but wild turkeys, that was different! The kids were in heaven there, the house was on 34 acres they had cows and over 150 chickens. I loved going inside someone else's house, does that make me nosey? Most of the houses here are all open beamed and gable roofs with pine wood planks on the ceiling. I'm sure theres a name for that, but I can't remember but it's gorgeous!  On this farm, which it truly is, my friend has a house on one end and her son and his family (with six kids) live on the other  side. When the cousins came there was at least 11 children running around. The kids had so much fun. While the women finished up the last touches the men folk went outside to shoot guns. Very all American. My friends son is a police officer in town so I felt like he had the situation handled of course Ian had a blast too.
    It was so cool to eat someone elses Thanksgiving menu, not only was everything cooked perfectly but we had pumpkin soup which was delicious. Also for desert we had pecan pie, which I never bother with, but oh man! I love it! WE had a wonderful time and I was so grateful for a new experience out of our comfort zone. The kids had so much fun with all the children, they were playing freeze tag, in the dark on 30 degree weather. It was a Thanksgiving to remember.
    The next day I cooked up our own Thanksgiving spread. I have to say compared to the day before, it was nothing special. My turkey dried out, the stuffing didn't turn out like Grandma Judi's, and the yams didn't look pretty because I tried to put them on the bottom of my little oven and the marshmallows just smeared. It tastes alright and we had leftovers. Besides , cooking in that little oven, it's a miracle I got it all done at once.
    The following day , I got the boys and Ian to go Christmas shopping with me. We really wanted to support local businesses and Durango is a perfect place to do that. They have a ton of small shops. This meant that some people are getting some "interesting" items, but hopefully they'll appreciate their souvenir from our year on the road. After shopping, we got to do something I have been wanting to do since we got here. We took an old Western photo. In my opinion all my favorite families have one of these and I love seeing them when the kids have grown and gotten older it makes them that much cuter. Houston right off the bat decided he wanted to be an Indian. I suggested to Wrex that wear a coon hat and he totally dug it as long as he got a gun. I wanted to be a saloon girl because when I was younger it was unacceptable to have a little girl as a saloon girl, instead I always looked like I hopped off a covered wagon. Very maidenly. Ian was already growing this "awesome" beard so he looks like a real mountain man. It made me so happy to have these and the girl gave me a couple prints for free, it was the best day ever!
  So I know this sounds like my life is a dream, but you know I try to keep it real. While I am very blessed to have so many adventures  I am human and am getting worn out. Waylon has some pretty horrible sleeping habits. He wakes up at midnight and 4 am. Ive given him a bottle a few times to keep him quiet so everyone can sleep and now of course he demands 2 bottles in the night, which isn't right. So I'm not really sleeping and then I'm a homemaker, teacher and all that other stuff I'm suppose to do. Which I love but I am very worn out. So we decided last night that the kids and I are going to Grandma Barbs house next Friday and the plan is for Ian to meet us out there for Christmas. The only glitch in this planning is that Ian will probably get laid off in the next few weeks. If he gets laid off before Christmas, he may be reassigned to a company in a new state and have to pack up and move while were gone ( where does that leave my car? I haven't figured this out yet) Also the new company may not want to give him the time off for Christmas, that would be horrible. Hopefully he will stay with this company until after the holidays so he will meet up with us. Prayers would be appreciated.  So that's where we are. I'm finishing getting our local Christmas gifts out and getting ready for Grandmas. I'll keep you up to date. Love to you all and Happy Holidays!
My spread made in the trailer
If he's pooped , you can imagine how I feel!

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