Could leaning over daily to bathe this cutie possibly be causng my back to spasm? He's so worth it
Hey Friends! We had quite an interesting week last week. I have quite a story for you...So for weeks my back has been pinching me. It felt like there was a rubber band between my shoulder blades being stretched and released. I was quick to blame it on Waylon, (he's getting so big) when I lean down to pick him up I really feel it in my upper back. Well on Tuesday I was practically in tears. Ian advised me to ice it and take Advil but NO I couldn't listen. I want to see an acupuncturist! I exclaimed to mostly myself. No one challenged me, but I knew wherever I went, the kids would go also. Ian had a lot of overtime that week, and I couldn't see asking him to take off so I could attempt to see an acupuncturist, which by the way I've never gone to, but I was desperate for relief. So I would have gone to an acupuncturist but the thought of the kids watching someone poke my back with needles and possible having Waylon cry in the backgroundconvinced me take the normal route and call a Dr. Maybe he could tell me if it was heat or ice I'm suppose to use and just how much Advil I could take. Well, when I spoke to the receptionist and explained how I'm from out of town and I have extreme back pain, I must have set off a red flag alert. Now I was hesitant to go to the Dr anyway. I knew there was nothing they could really do, but I have insurance and I thought that if I was flat on my back, it would be too late for me to cry for help. No one would be here to help me. So back to the receptionist, before she ended our call, we had already decided on a time, she asked me " You're not a drug collector are you? " I was thinking "what did she ask me? So I said "Uh..what? No , I don't think so." ( In retrospect, this was not a time for me to be a smart alec) She said "oh never mind, I'm just being silly." and I thought, weird sense of humor, but to each their own. So I arrive at the doctors office and the pain is worse and yes on my way over there it has started to pour buckets of rain. So I get all the kids in, I'm filling out the paper work, I get into the office and as I start to explain to the nurse what my issue is, I started welling up with tears. At this point, I can't imagine not getting relief and how I'm suppose to continue as a mom/ teacher/ housekeeper/ entertainer in all this pain by myself without extended family around me. So the doc comes in . Not a friendly gent at all.He turns to the kids and says "why aren't you in school?" they say in unison "we're home schooled" He asks me how I injured it, I say I don't know. He asks me when it started hurting, I say gradually for the past few weeks. So I have no clear idea of how I injured myself and again this must be another red flag. He asks me very unsympathetically. " Is there a reason why you're crying?" and I say because I'm in a lot of pain. He asks me to touch my toes, put my neck side to side and I tell him when it hurts. He says he wants to see my back and lift up the back of my shirt and then he asks" Is there a reason why you're sweating?" OH MY GOSH! What a jerk! I said "probably because I'm upset, I can't imagine what I'm going to to if I can't fix this." So I told him I don't really want medication I just want to fix this, what can I do? I have a thing against chiropractors I was thinking about acupuncture. Then he says "what you are
describing is a back spasm in your upper back from too much tension. There's no easy fix, I can give you some back stretches. I said "ok fine, that would be great, "(get me out of here!) He said he was going to give me some non-narcotic medicine to relax the muscles while I home school and something to take at night. Then he told me to go for a walk this weekend. ..
Um thanks, I actually do exercise ... I really don't know why he even bothered. It was so incredibly awkward. So we left, naturally I fell apart at my embarrassment. They absolutely, thought I was there for drugs, I was mortified and in pain and embarrassed. I think the lesson here is if you're from out of town, don't let your first doctors visit be for back pain. Or maybe the lesson is there must be a lot of pill poppers n Colorado. I'm not really sure.
Ian was shocked when I told him what happened... let me rephrase that..He was shocked that I fell apart in the doctors office....well of course I did!
So that night, the boy we're extremely excited to try out Awanas! We found out there's a church right down the road that offers this and the kids were so excited about it. Which was a bit odd for them because they weren't interested in it back home. I think they really were anxious to play with other kids and get away from their ailing decrepit mother. We dropped them off and I took one of those anti narcotic "for the daytime" pills the doctor had given me and guess what? It knocked me on my butt. I was spinning and telling Ian what a great man he was...Yes needless to say, I was in no shape to pick up the kids from Awanas at the local Baptist church.
So what this lesson really taught me, is that I in fact am not superwoman. I would like to do everything perfectly with one hand tied behind my back but I can no longer be a wife, mother, teacher, entertainer for small children, blogger and bookkeeper. So I believe it's time to drop my bookkeeping responsibilities. It means going on a tight budget but I think the reduction of "tension" will be worth it. This brings me to my next point. You will notice I now have ads on my blog. I am embracing the $3 dollars (my estimation for the year) I will get from googles Ad affiliates. I will try to make them not too annoying , bear with me while I figure it out.
My week was not all that bad. That day was especially mortifying but the boys and I did take some long walks and we ended up going to church on Sunday. I met another home school mom and we are actually going on a very exciting adventure today that I will tell you about next week. We ended our Sunday walking around Pagosa Springs as a family.Actually, we went on a bear hunt. We were looking for wildlife and Ian showed us where they were insatlling "bear guards" because the bears were using the poles as scratching posts. We didn't see any bears but we did see a big bear doo doo with fresh urine and that was as close as we needed to get. We did run into a road block, when someones cows got out. Houston was saying "YAH!" from the backseat.It worked too! Then we walked by the hot springs and felt the hot, stinky water. We drank chocolate floats and had ice cream. It was a nice relaxing day. Especially for Ian, who had worked a 14 hour day on Saturday. Thanks for listening. Next time you feel really embarrased, think of me! I'll keep yall posted.